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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap

Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap

The ITEC Handbook By José Roger Flahaux, Brian Patrick Green, and Ann Skeet

"Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap,” or, more briefly, the “ITEC Handbook,” offers organizations a strategic plan to enhance ethical management practices, empowering them to navigate the complex landscape of disruptive technologies such as AI, machine learning, encryption, tracking, and others while upholding strong ethical standards.

The ITEC Handbook is available below as a free PDF download or purchase an eBook or print-on-demand edition from Amazon.

Download the ITEC Handbook

Outline of a human form in lights and connected dots.
Navigate here to ITEC Primer

A condensed excerpt from “Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap."

Navigate here to Overview of the Five Stages of the ITEC Roadmap

A high-level overview of the five stages and the four appendices of the ITEC Operationalization Roadmap.

ITEC Principles and How to Use Them: Anchoring, Guiding, Specifying, and Action
Navigate here to ITEC Principles

Anchoring, guiding and specifying principles and examples of actions, customizable for varying organizational needs.

"This handbook gives the reader and their organization the clarity of vision necessary to deal with the new problems that are appearing and will continue to appear as emerging technologies begin to affect society."

Steve Milligan, former CEO of Western Digital

About the Authors

José Roger Flahaux is a retired hands-on high-tech operations executive with an extensive background in global supply chain and operations management with companies such as Burroughs, Unisys, Raychem, SanDisk, and Corsair Components. He is also an adjunct professor in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at San José State University, where he teaches Engineering Management Systems in a Global Society. He holds an Electrical Engineering undergraduate degree from ITPLG in Belgium, and an MSE in Engineering Management from SJSU.

Brian Patrick Green is the Director of Technology Ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. He has worked extensively with technology corporations as well as organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the Partnership on AI, and the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education. He teaches AI Ethics in Santa Clara University’s Graduate School of Engineering. He holds doctoral and MA degrees in ethics and social theory from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, a BS in genetics from the University of California at Davis, and is author or editor of several volumes on ethics and technology.

Ann Gregg Skeet is the Senior Director of Leadership Ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. She works with corporations and organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the Partnership on AI, and the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education. She teaches in corporate board readiness programs at Santa Clara University’s Silicon Valley Executive Center. She served as CEO of American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley for 8 years, worked for a decade as a Knight Ridder executive, and served as president of Notre Dame High School in San Jose. She is a graduate of Bucknell University and has a master of business administration degree from Harvard Business School.